The UNIVERSE GRAND QUEEN® Sports Support Program supports and promotes the practice of sport at different levels since, in addition to the benefits of sports activity in the health of people of all ages, it offers the opportunity to have a better condition Physics and improve the appearance, clear the mind and lift the mood. In addition to that it favors family integration.
UNIVERSE GRAND QUEEN® ORGANIZATION Is convinced that physical exercise is a factor of change for society, which instills important values of life since childhood, such as: teamwork, reward for effort, realization of dreams, and companionship, among others. Likewise, through sport, UNIVERSE GRAND QUEEN® supports the development of the exercise in our society. With sports activities, children and young people can have a better perspective for their development, which allows them to glimpse more favorable conditions to achieve their life goals and grow as people integrated into their family and community.
UNIVERSE GRAND QUEEN® promotes physical activity in the Family and the community by encouraging parents to participate regularly with their children and other family members in physical, sports and recreation activities in parks, gyms, recreation centers, public spaces, centers sports, among others.
We encourage parents to instill in their children by example, the non-adoption of behaviors related to sedentary lifestyle, such as long hours watching television, excessive time dedicated to the use of computers or interactive games.
We want to encourage families or friends to encourage the practice of physical activity as part of a health culture among their members and with the community. We promote family exercise planned and designed specifically to be physically fit and enjoy good health, for example riding a bicycle, aerobics, dances, among others.
Recommendations on the periodic performance of a physical activity is essential to prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) - such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes or breast or colon cancer - which are responsible for 71 % of all deaths in the world, including 15 million people annually, aged between 30 and 70.
In this way, girls and young people who do not perform physical activity can suffer a worse state of health throughout their lives, since several studies have shown that physical activity reduces the risk of suffering from diseases such as diabetes, some types of cancer (breast, lung, colon and endometrial cancer), cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis.
In addition, physical exercise also acts as a protector against the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and provides many psychological benefits, since it reduces anxiety states, prevents depression - women are more vulnerable to anxiety disorders. -, improves stress tolerance, intellectual functions, self-confidence, self-esteem and social acceptance; It provides greater emotional stability, helps establish social relationships and improves existing ones with the environment.
For UNIVERSE GRAND QUEEN® ORGANIZATION, exercise and sport should be practiced even in the poorest societies, as sports such as running, cycling, skating or jumping rope are cheap and easily accessible but benefit our health, it has several health benefits physical and mental. It is very important that everyone does sports in a regulated manner, the most recommended is to practice sports 4 or 5 times a week to stay well physically and mentally.
All UNIVERSE GRAND QUEEN® candidates have many activities to develop and fulfill various commitments, so it is necessary to have a physical condition that allows them to possess attributes such as endurance, mobility and strength that are required to perform active physical activity. Since the candidates represent their people, they will need to perform daily physical activity that demands the increase in energy expenditure produced by the movement of the muscles of the body, which are part of daily life, including work, recreation, exercise and activities. sports; covering actions such as walking, climbing stairs, dancing, performing household chores, among other actions.
In the field of the family, we propose to carry out activities together, encourage girls and young people to sign up for sports activities without social conditioning and that parents pay interest in these activities and even help in the logistical tasks of their family.