
You can compete in the biggest contest in the world 2020.

It's easy to apply / sign up! You can register online to our email. Then you can contact our local affiliates.

Make your request online with our simple online application and attach a recent real photo of the head photo (make sure these photos are clear and there are no other people in the photos). Once we have received your information and your photo, an authorized representative of UNIVERSE GRAND QUEEN® will contact you to verify some details, inform you of the results of the evaluation and tell you if you have been approved. Registration is free.

The people who register with more anticipation are those who have more chances of winning. As soon as you register your candidacy you will receive the attention of the whole world and your supporters will multiply.

The registered people are already on the way to winning. They do not know that your candidacy can beat them. The faster you sign up, the more winning options you have. Once the registrations are closed, no applications will be accepted.

For many participants it is urgent to sign up as soon as possible because that gives them the advantage of working on their candidacy. The opportunity to win will be easy.

Registration is free, open and can be made from anywhere in the world and from any device with an internet connection. That way anyone from any country in the world who wants to compete can do so, even if the location of the contest is far away, having the same conditions and opportunities to win as all other participants.