6 Self-Care Tips for Dry Eyes

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Soothe Your Dry Eyes.

Dry eyes might sound like a minor complaint, but they can lead to major discomfort. Your eyes may feel gritty, scratchy, stinging, burning, or painful, and your vision may sometimes be blurry. Fortunately, simple steps can offer welcome comfort when your eyes feel like the Sahara. rolex óra

1. Apply Artificial Tears:

Artificial tears can bring real relief from dry eye syndrome, which is caused by a lack of enough natural tears. Tear supplements are available over the counter in drops, gels, gel inserts, and ointments. If you use artificial tears more than four times a day, choose a preservative-free brand. replicas de relogios

Man using eye drops

2. Wear Wraparound Shades:

Sunglasses with wraparound frames shield your eyes from sun and wind, slowing the evaporation of tears. Some have foam seals for a closer fit against your face. For indoor protection, ask your optician about moisture chamber glasses and goggles, which trap moisture around your eyes. https://www.swissreplica.me/

biker wearing sunglasses sitting down in grass

3. Switch on a Humidifier:

A humidifier adds moisture to dry indoor air, slowing tear evaporation. This may be especially helpful in winter, when indoor heating can leave the air parched. In summer, move your chair or adjust of vents in your car that air conditioner isn’t blowing directly on your face.


4. Take Computer Breaks:

Blinking moves tears across your eyes, helping keep them moist. But people don’t blink as often as they should while staring at a computer screen. The moist tear film will evaporate without a replenishing blink. When using a computer, remind yourself to blink frequently. Also, give your eyes a rest by looking away the screen often. The same advice applies whenever you are reading. http://www.passwatches.com/

Woman using computer

5. Consume Omega-3 Fats:

Omega-3s may improve tear quality and decrease inflammation in dry eyes. These healthy fats are found in oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, and albacore tuna. Other sources include flaxseeds, walnuts, and soybean and canola oils. Or ask your eye care professional about omega-3 supplements.

salmon dish

6. Avoid Cigarette Smoke:

Cigarette smoke irritates the eyes, which can lead to chronic inflammation of the membrane lining the eyelid. That inflammation, in turn, can cause eye dryness. If you smoke, this is another excellent reason to quit. Avoid secondhand smoke from other people’s cigarettes as well. www.watchesandmore.de


Talk With Your Eye Doctor:

If self-help methods don’t soothe your dry eyes, call your eye care professional. When the problem is linked to wearing contacts, changing the type of lens may help. In other cases, you may benefit from prescription medication or lacrimal plugs, which keep tears from draining out of the eyes.

Senior Woman at Eye Doctor

Source: CNN

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